I read this on a blog yesterday (click here ) and I could hardly believe it: "Some Anglicans in Canada are pressing for the abolition of the requirement that communicants be already baptised. This they believe will reverse the continuing decline of the Canadian Anglican Church. According to this view, it would seem that the reason that Canadians do not attend the Anglican Church is because (a) they are not baptized, and therefore (b) are cruelly denied Communion. It follows that once it is announced that one does not need to be baptized to receive, then all the churches will fill up once more." (see article in National Post, to read click here nationalpost/)
I suppose nothing should surprise me anymore especially when last year we heard about a priest from the USA giving the Blessed Sacrament to a dog! I thought that Baptism was a sign that a person was a Christian and that he or she had accepted the faith and that before making their Communion they would have been suitable prepared for First Communion and/or Confirmation. This has been the practice of the Church for 2,000 years; I can see no reason, theological or doctrinal, to change it
I have read few articles about this early morning. I guess they should work this out.