Sunday 20 March 2011



This morning I celebrated and preached at St. Barnabas, Woodford Green. In my sermon based on the Gospel for today, The Transfiguration, I alluded to the bride and groom coming to the Vicarage to arrange their marriage. It was often the case that when you saw one or other of them, you questioned, rather unkindly, what he saw in her, or what she saw in him. At the wedding the rather frumpy woman had been transformed into a radiant beauty and the geek of a man had been changed into handsome beau. This experience is a form of transfiguration; for just a brief period you could see these people for who they really are and you could understand exactly what it was that they individually saw in each other. You experience the real person and not someone perceived just from an outward appearance. The Transfiguration on the Mount allowed Peter, James and John to see Jesus for who he really was. And then we are told as were Peter, James and John, “This is my Son, the Beloved. Listen to Him” that’s what we all need to do Listen to Jesus.

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