Sunday 9 February 2014


As Father Martin was away today, I presided and preached today at the Parish Mass at St.  Augustine’s.  In my sermon I quoted two texts from the Gospel: “You are the salt of the earth” and “You are the light of the world.”  and remarked that salt was an essential part of life in the ancient world and described how battles had been fought over it and how it had been used to raise taxes. Personally I don’t think I could fancy fish and chips without salt (and a little vinegar); just a small amount could make a significant difference to the taste of a meal.  I then posed the question on how we could be the “light of the world” when this was a title used to describe Jesus in St. John’s Gospel. In fact Christians get their light from Jesus. We are described by S. Paul as the Body of Christ – we are his representatives on earth. Last week, at the Candlemass celebrations we had heard how Simeon had described Jesus “as the light to lighten the Gentiles” Now, we as Christians were called to be “lights” in the world reflecting the light of Jesus in our lives.

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