Monday, 2 July 2012


I would never have expected the amount of vitriol from some people after the Charity Commissioners decided that the CBS Grant made to The Ordinariate was not within the remit of the Trustees to make. Not only that, the Trustees must have known when they made their decision to give away over 50% of the total CBS assets, that the meeting was inquorate and as a consequence the decision was invalid anyway. That being so it is surely no surprise that the decision should be declared invalid.

As I said in my previous post on this, I congratulate The Ordinariate in repaying the £1 million plus interest with such alacrity. Now that this matter has been resolved, the previous Trustees have resigned and new have been appointed. The new officers are:-

The Rt Rev'd Roger Jupp


The Rev'd Darren Smith


The Rev'd Edward Martin


The Rev'd Preb Sam Philpott

elected 2012

The Rev'd Canon Barry Fry

elected 2012

With a new Superior-General and Trustees, members should give the CBS their support and prayers. Perhaps now we will be allowed to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the founding of this wonderful society which had been disallowed pending the decision of the Charity Commission.


  1. Joseph Golightly3 July 2012 at 10:59

    Dear Father

    Now that the money is supposedly in the right bucket, perhaps you should start a collection for the Ordinariate. You seem to be a great supporter and I am sure you want it to succeed.

  2. Perhaps I have but I don't think my small contribution will make any difference to the success or otherwise of the Ordinariate

  3. joseph Golightly3 July 2012 at 18:41

    I think there is something about a widow's mite that I have read about!

  4. And I know a widow who might not.
