Sunday 16 March 2014


I was a little surprised when, returning home yesterday afternoon, I had an e-mail informing me that our Organist & Choirmaster had sustained some nasty injuries following a fall in his garden and would I play the organ for the Parish Mass today. So this morning it was of to church a little earlier than normal to have a look at the anthem and to take Choir Practice. During Lent it is the custom to only use the organ to accompany the hymns service setting so I didn’t have to play anything before or after Mass.

I was also preaching today and in my sermon suggested that Nicodemus might have thought Jesus had taken leave of his senses when he said that a person needed to be born again. How could some one re-enter the womb of their mother? However Nicodemus totally missed the point as Jesus was talking about being born by water and the Spirit referring to the Sacrament of Holy Baptism. It was just before the crucifixion and afterwards that Nicodemus reappears in the Gospel when it seems he now understood the point Jesus was making.

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