Today at St. Augustine’s we celebrated the Solemnity of SS Peter and Paul, the two pillars of the Church. Father Martin presided at the Solemn Parish Mass and i concelebrated, read the Gospel and preached. In my sermon Father I drew attention to the differences in character of the two men , who complemented each other in their Apostolic Ministry. Peter the impetuous, chosen by Jesus to lead the embryonic church Paul the great missionary and writer. It is at this time of year that ordinations to the Diaconate and Sacred Priesthood take place. Each person brings into ministry their different abilities and talents. I reminded the congregation to listen to see if they were being called to serve as Ministers in God’s Holy Church and to bring into their ministry their own special, and different, talents.
Sunday, 29 June 2014
Monday, 23 June 2014
State educated school children need greater provision for sports, according to Ofsted. Correct me if I’m wrong, but a few years ago, a certain political party, then in power, sold of many of the state school playing fields despite many protests at the time. One of the sayings prevalent at then was “they knew the cost of everything and the value of nothing.
From “The Guardian”
Sunday, 22 June 2014
Today, Father Martin went to St Paul’s, Goodmayes to celebrate Corpus Christi, swopping with me and I officiated at St. Augustine’s. I haven’t been too well lately and it was decided that the celebration of Solemn Mass, Procession and Solemn Benediction must just be a little too much as I feel at present .
As St. Augustine’s had observed Corpus Christi on Thursday, today was the usual Parish Mass. I preached and led the Intercessions. In my homily I talked about the need to use the wonderful gift of the Eucharist as something we celebrate frequently. We were privileged to take into our hands the precious Body of Our Lord: a gift he had given to us just before his crucifixion.
Sunday, 15 June 2014
Today I presided at the Solemn Mass in celebration of the Most Holy Trinity; Father Martin concelebrated, read the Gospel and preached. In his sermon Father Martin referred to a previous sermon on the Trinity when,as an illustration and an egg had been used. He said the the Trinity was a difficult concept which had kept theologians debating for many years until they had agreed on the words of the Nicene Creed which we would be saying shortly. In the end what we needed to believe was that God is love. After the sermon, Ann led us in our intercessions.
Sunday, 8 June 2014
As Father Martin was away for the weekend I presided and preached at the Solemn Mass and our Intercessions were led by Joan our retired Lay Reader. In my sermon I talked about how fear can paralyse us; the disciples locked themselves in the Upper Room because they were afraid. The Holy Spirit removed their fear and instead of be frightened by the authorities, they found the strength and inspiration to preach the Gospel far and wide even facing martyrdom for the sake of the Gospel. If we are open to receive the Holy Spirit into our lives he will rid us of our fears and qualms so that we too can proclaim the good news of the Gospel of Jesus.
Sunday, 1 June 2014
Today we continued our celebration of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Father Martin was officiating at St.Andrew’s, Romford. so I was the celebrant at St. Augustine’s. During my sermon he reminded people about Captain Kirk asking Scotty to beam him up in Star Trek. Is this what some thought had happened at the Ascension? If that was so, we had a wrong understanding of the event. We knew that Jesus was taken from their sight by a cloud but he was still with them although no longer visible to them – he is still with us but we can’t actually see him. He returned to his Father so that the gift of the Holy Spirit could come to be part of His church. We shall think more of this next week which is Pentecost.