Today at St. Augustine’s, Rush Green we welcomed the Archdeacon of Barking, Dr. John Perumbalath to our Parish Mass and he concelebrated with Father Martin and preached the homily. Pamela led us in our Intercessions and, as our Organist & Choirmaster is taking a well-earned break I played the organ. In his homily Father John referred to the book “Is your God to Small” by J. B Philips. He said that God is a God of all people – he makes no distinction.. We make a mistake if we try to categorise Him – he can’t be contained. Nor can Jesus be confined to church premises because he is in our daily lives. Everything God wants to do He can but he would prefer to have our co-operation. However He is all powerful and will ultimately achieve His will. He is close to use at all times – take a breath and He is that close.
Father John joined us in the hall after Mass for refreshments so he could meet as many parishioners as possible.
The Flower Festival at St Augustines continues afternoon concluding with Evensong and Benediction at 6.00 p.m. and tomorrow opening at 11.00 a.m.